WELCOME...to Kevin's Home(Page)

So, whats in here? Take a look around...
Sitemap, All pages on this site.
Beer Bottle Labels, From all over...
Birding Life List, My years of birding reduced to a graph!...
Alsace, History of Alsace / Histoire de l'Alsace
Crystal Radio, An obsession...
Radio Detection, of Solar Flares.
Geophysical monitoring projects....
Radiation, I bought a Geiger counter... now what???.
Snapshots, Random writings...
Thoughts, Essays written under the influence..
Timeline, 4000 years of world history.
Petrology, A geologist recalls his origins.
Origin of Pre-Cambrian rocks in SW Montana, Masters Thesis.
Thank You for visiting..
I hope you enjoyed the stay and saw/read something of interest. If you did and have any questions email me at
and I'll be glad to reply.

"If the privleged order were removed, the nation would not be something less, but something more."
Abbé Sieyès: Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès
What Is the Third Estate? 1789
(...and if the 1% were removed?)
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens"
Friedrich Schiller
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
A backdoor to my Technical pages...
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